Pop-up exhibitions and art talks in Germany and Austria
Heidi Aulikki made a co-operation dialogue work together with artist Nanna Aspholm-Flik year 2021. In mid October 2022 they will organize in Stuttgart, Nattheim and Bludenz Austria pop-up exhibitions and design talk -events. Read more www.nannatextiles.com
Heidi Aulikki goes to Paris
Visiting Paris Finnovashop 15th October 16.00-18.00. Photo by Tanja Ahjopalo
Paljain Silmin - With the Naked Eye
Ornamo Art and Design sale
Ornamo Art and Design Sale takes place both online and at Cable Factory 12th to 20th March 2022. Get to know the artists and make purchases at the online store on the website teosmyynti.fi. Online purchases can be collected from the pick-up point at Cable Factory during the event or they can be ordered to be delivered home or to a parcel locker. At the exhibition sale, the main priorities are providing a safe art exhibition experience for the visitors and offering tailored assistance for potential buyers. #teosmyynti22 #ornamonteosmyynti @teosmyynti
More info at teosmyynti.fi #teosmyynti22 #ornamonteosmyynti @teosmyynti
Tuoksuja / Odours 2021, Helsinki. -part of the Finnish State Art Comission Collection.
Part of Adorno curated collection
Against the Burn is part of the Virtual Design Destination presented by Adorno at London Design Festival, 12 – 20 September 2020. Finnish collection is curated by Suvi Saloniemi. Visit virtual gallery and read more here.
Voipaala Art Center exhibits art from 96 ceramic artist. Open from tuesday to sunday 11 am to 6 pm, 13.6. — 30.8.2020. Closed during midsummer 19th to 21st June. Read more here.
Ornamo Teosmyynti -exhibition
7th to 15th March 2020, Kaapelitehdas, Tallberginkatu 1 C, Helsinki
To me you are perfect -part of the Finnish State Art Comission Collection.
Studio sale
Welcome to visit our studio
Ornamo Design Christmas 6-8.12.
Thought Bubbles 1-23 found it permanent location at Finnish National Library
Finnish Art State Commission bought this piece in spring 2018. Now it was located to permanent location at Finnish National Library staff area. In future they are planning to arrange guided tours.
Art Residence in Kökar 1.-31.8.2019
I had privledge to spent my August at The Åland Guest Artist Residence. I used some local wildclay. New works will be exhibited 2020.
Summer popup shop at Korkeavuorenkatu 5
July 2019 Heidi Aulikki will have her summer pop-up shop at Coruya store, Korkeavuorenkatu 5, Helsinki. Welcome!
Heidi Aulikki goes to Paris again
June 22nd new setting of Heidi Aulikki tableware will be presented at Finnova Shop, Paris. Welcome! à 35 quai de la Tournelle, 75005 Paris. Photo by Jenni Ahonen
Ornamo Teosmyynti at Kaapelitehdas 9.–17.3.2019
Thought Bubbles 1-45 can be seen at Cable factory at Ornamo teosmyynti -event. Kaapelitehtaan Puristamo, Tallberginkatu 1 C, Helsinki, open Mondays to Fridays 12:00-18:00, Sathurdays to Sundays 11.00-17.00. Opening event on friday 8th of March 17.00-19.00. #teosmyynti2019
Korkeavuorenkatu 7 Christmas Market 15.-16.12.2018
Welcome to the Korkeavuorenkatu 7 Christmas Market. The market expands this year to a two-day event so welcome on both Saturday and Sunday! 11.00-16.00. Featuring: Paja&Bureau, Annika Cumlander, By Laura Darth, Lillan Helsinki, Ossi Jaala, Lieko Design, Satu Närkki, Kultaseppä Linda Rantanen, Rauhala Koru, Studio Jenna Laine, Anni Pitkäjärvi, Heidi Aulikki, Ariane Relander, Hanna Särökaari and others. We will release more info on the sellers closer to the dates. Music will be provided by Creat's #eroticlifestyle DJs. Glogg and gingerbread will be served! Entrance through the inner courtyard. See Facebook event here.
7.–9.12. Ornamo Design Christmas 2018
Welcome to shop Heidi Aulikki ceramics in Kaapelitehdas. You can find me from shared table with Studio Laura Itkonen. More information click here.
Dreijaan ja sorvaan ja rakastan vain II
On aihetta juhlaan! Taiteilija Heidi Aulikki Puumalainen toi marraskuuksi keraamiset Thought Bubbles -teoksensa Rõõmin galleriatilaan Helsingin Kallioon. Perjantaina 23.11. järjestetään näyttelyjuhlat klo 17-20, tervetuloa!
Thought Bubbles / Ajatuskuplat -seinäteokset ovat dreijattuja reliefiteoksia, Puumalaisen hetkiä dreijan ääreltä. Ne ovat ajatuksia elämästä ja ympäröivästä luonnosta, jotka ovat saaneet alkunsa Kökarin merellisissä maisemissa.
Dreijaan ja sorvaan ja rakastan vain! II -näyttely Rõõmissä, Helsinginkatu 17
ti-pe 11-17, la 12-16
Kuvaaja: Maija Ukko / Rõõm
Dreijaan ja sorvaan ja rakastan vain II -exhibition at Rõõm
It is time to celebrate! Artist Heidi Aulikki Puumalainen brings her wall art to Rõõm gallery, Kallio, Helsinki. Exhibition party will be held 23rd of November from 5 pm to 8 pm. Welcome!
Exhibition is open all November, tuesdays to fridays from 11 am to 5 pm and saturdays 12 am to 4 pm. Adress Helsinginkatu 17.
Dreijaan ja sorvaan ja rakastan vain -exhibition at Vuosaari
Vuosaari House, Mosaiikkitori 2, 9th to 27th October
Heidi Aulikki Puumalainen will be taking over the Vuosaari House gallery in October with her ceramics works, including relief works made using a potter’s wheel and inspired by the marine views of Kökar.
The potter’s wheel is the tool Heidi Aulikki loves the most. In addition to symmetrical forms, it can be used for making luscious asymmetrical forms.
Opening event at 9th of October 5 pm to 8 pm. Welcome!
Heidi Aulikki goes to Paris
Finnova Shop, à 35 quai de la Tournelle, 75005 Paris
Heidi Aulikki Puumalainen brigns her unique tableware and art to Paris. Vernisage will be held 8th of September from 10.30h à 19h. Heidi Aulikki will be present at Vernisage and will tell the stories behind her products. Welcome!
Finnova shop window at Paris
Summer shop at Design District Helsinki
Welcome to visit Heidi Aulikki summer shop at Korkeavuorenkatu 5, Helsinki. From 5th of July to 9th of August 2018. Open Monday-Friday 10am to 6pm. Hand made ceramics from around the corner. Tableware, earings, thought boxes and much more...
Photos by Katja Vuori. Read blog about Katja's visit in my shop from here.
Heidi Aulikki goes to Kökar
Ornamo teosmyynti 10th to 18 March 2018 Puristamo, Kaapelitehdas, Tallberginkatu 1 C, Helsinki.
Paja&Bureau isännöi kutkuttavaa yhteisnäyttelyä, joka pitää sisällään uusia, uniikkeja ja epäsovinnaisia töitä kiinnostavimmilta suomalaisilta suunnittelijoilta ja toteuttajilta.
Paja&Bureau hosts a thrilling group exhibition featuring new, unique and unconventional works from the most interesting Finnish designers/makers.
Näyttelyyn osallistuvat / participating artists
Eetu Enqvist / Samuli Helavuo / Elina Honkanen / Nino Hynninen / Nikolo Kerimov /Heidi Aulikki Puumalainen / Colin Townsend Velkoff / Erin Türkoğlu / Lotta Veromaa
Thought Bubbles 1-20 presented in 29th Ceramic exhibition at Gmunden, Austria.
Thought Treasures
- Ajatuksen Alkulähteillä 6.6.-12.8.2017
Welcome to see Heidi Aulikki Puumalainen's summer exhibition Thought Treasures at Svartå Manor Museum. In Thought Treasures -exhibition Heidi Aulikki brings to public eyes her hand made samples of different forms, textures, surfaces which are her source of inspiration in her artistic work.
Tervetuloa Heidi Aulikki Puumalaisen Thought Treasures - Ajatuksen Alkulähteillä -näyttelyyn Mustion Linnan museoon. Heidi Aulikki tuo näyttelyssä esille lasikupujen alle koottuna käsin tehtyjä muotoja, värejä, pintoja ja tekstuureja, jotka toimivat innoituksen kohteena hänen työstäessään uutta.
Press information
Press materials: press release & CV Questions and purchase inquiries please contact Heidi Aulikki Puumalainen
Heidi Aulikki's Story
Read more about Heidi's Story.
Opening hours / Aukioloajat
Exhibition is open from 6th of June until 12th of August. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 11am to 3pm. In July also on Sundays from 12pm to 3 pm. There might be changes in opening hours, please check them in advance from this link.
Näyttely on avoinna 6.6.-12.8.2017. Tiistaisin, keskiviikkoisin, torstaisin ja lauantaisin 11.00-15.00. Heinäkuussa myös sunnuntaisin 12.00-15.00. Museon aukioloajat saattavat muuttua ja ne on hyvä tarkistaa tästä linkistä.
Ornamo Art & Design Sale
11th-19th March 2017
Thought bubbles -stoneware, thrown in the Island of Kökar summer 2016
NOW! LE OFF! with NID in Paris Design Week 3.-10.9.2016
YHES - Eatery, Habitare 2016
Produced by Lokal
BEHIND THE SEEN, Porvoo Art Hall, 15.4.-8.5.2016
POLTTAJAT 2015 & 2016
2000 mm x 1500 mm, wheel thrown ceramic shingles & video. Video is filmed in Kohila Ceramic Symposium Anagama firing summer 2015. Hand made ceramic shingles are producing canvas for video which shows anagram doorway opening and closing. Video shows how fire is hungry and needs to be fed all the time with wood. Theme of the exhibition was to tell stories behind process of making ceramic art.
TRUTH by UKLY at Habitare 2015
UKLY Association for New Ceramics and Glass’ exhibition Truth at furniture and design fair Habitare in Helsinki, Finland, showcases 12 artists’ and designers’ interpretation on the theme of truth.
ENCHANTED BY FIRE, Tallinn Art Hall, 15.7.—16.8.2015
Kohila Symposium celebrated it's 15th anniversary with the exhibition Enchanted by Fire in Tallinn Art Hall. Curator: Pekka Paikkari. More images
KERAMIIKKA PIENESSÄ TILASSA, Design Forum Showroom, Helsinki – 21.11.—7.12.2014
The artwork Ceramist at Work reflects on current mindsets of ceramic designers. The piece consists of porcelain figurines - statuettes of creative workers lost between craft and networking. A collaboration with Vesa Kattelus and Marjukka Takala for UKLY. Presented in Design Migration 10+ Celebration exhibition at Design Museum Helsinki 10/2012 & National Craft Gallery, Kilkenny, Scotland, – 27.4.—15.5.2013